Stephen Brown
Dr Stephen Brown is Programme Director, Carbon Capture and Storage with the Yorkshire and Humber Sustainable Futures Company (SFCo). SFCo is a wholly owned subsidiary of Yorkshire Froward which delivers the agency’s aims on sustainable development in a commercially orientated manner. Stephen has a background in the chemistry and chemical engineering of combustion systems and has previously undertaken work for DTI, the EU and US Dept of Energy.
Stephen’s role is to work with industry, investors and government to enable the development of carbon capture and storage in Yorkshire and Humber.
At Yorkshire Forward he was responsible for the development of strategy and policy on the low carbon economy and had the challenge of mainstreaming low carbon economy principals across all of Yorkshire Forward’s work. Along with two colleagues he was responsible for establishing the Yorkshire and Humber Sustainable Futures Company and set up the Future Energy Yorkshire and Carbon Action Yorkshire programmes to deliver Yorkshire Forward’s aims in renewable energy and business engagement on the low carbon economy.
Stephen is Chair of the Yorkshire and Humber Carbon Capture and Storage Partnership, a director of Community Energy Solutions (Yorkshire and Humber) and is a member of the management committee of the UK Business Council for Sustainable Development.
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