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Low Carbon High Growth Eco Cities - Hong Kong 2014


Low Carbon High Growth Eco Cities - Manila & Hong Kong 2011



Business Opportunities in Asia - Cambridge, 2011



Cambridge Chinese New Year 2012


Cambridge Chinese New Year 2011


Beyond Copenhagen: Implications for China in Preparation of COP 16-Hong Kong


Opportunities and Implications for Business as China Responds to Climate Change-Hong Kong


Delivering Sustainable Futures -

CIFIT - Xiamen, China

Coal: The Social, Economic, Regeneration and Climate Change Opportunities

International Trade Seminars, Debate & Luncheon - Grasp the
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International Trade Focus


International Trade Forum

International Trade Forum

International Trade Forum

International Trade Golf Challenge

Investment Management Review

Islamic Finance Conference

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MPS Soft Skills

The Pearl Awards, St James's Palace

PPP 2009 - Abu Dhabi


PPP 2009 - Bangkok

PPP 2009 - London

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Facing the Challenges

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Low Carbon High Growth Eco Cities - Chongqing & Hong Kong


March Publishing Limited                       

We offer a complete range of research, writing, design, marketing, event, consultancy and communication services for a wide spectrum of government and non-government organisations and private sector companies.

We have contributed to reports for the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Sustainable Business Network (ESBN) Task Force for Banking and Finance and provided technical writing services via the Pacific Basin Economic Council in relation to Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) industrial decarbonisation reports.

Catalyst For Change

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China - Industrial Decarbonisation

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IGEBC - Green and Energy-Efficient Building & New Technologies and Products Expo, China National Convention Centre, Beijing, March 24 – 26 2015

  • British Business Pavilion for your company to exhibit, hold meetings and distribute commercial materials. Exhibiting & support packages ranging from £395 to £2595
  • UK-China seminar attended by business leaders, academics and government officials
  • Potential opportunities to speak at UK-China seminar & main conference sessions and "elevator pitch" sessions
  • Signing ceremony for the renewal of the UK-China MoU with MOHURD
  • UK "GREAT" reception hosted by the British Embassy in Beijing
  • Introductions to Chinese CEOs, government officials and key decision makers
  • Support from Cambridge Cleantech, UKTI, the British Embassy and the China-Britian Business Council
  • Explore signficant opportunities
  • Briefing at Cambridge Cleantech HQ on February 26th 2015

IGEBC is the annual flagship event of the Chinese Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development (MOHURD) and the leading sustainable building event in China. This 3 day expo is attended by over 3000 delegates and features a high-level international conference, over 300 exhibitors, 100 city mayors and numerous ambassadors & government ministers. The UK has been heavily involved in IGEBC since its inception & launch and MOHURD views the UK as world leaders in green building, smart city, sustainable and cleantech development, as re-iterated by Qiu Baoxing during his official Ministerial visit to the UK. United Technologies, Schneider Electric, BASF, Siemens, ARUP, Atkins and numerous world- leading companies feature at IGEBC alongside many leading Chinese companies who host numerous high profile seminars with extensive media coverage, including mainstream press and TV.

March Publishing Ltd are once again organising participation in the 2015 event. The UK’s exhibitors, conference speakers, seminars and business receptions at IGEBC have an established record for world leadership, attracting large and high-quality audiences.

This is a major opportunity for UK companies to gain superb profile and access to China and win new business in the largest building market in the world. For full details and to express interest in participating in this important business development initiative click here.

Low Carbon High Growth Eco Cities seminars are also being planned in Hong Kong on March 27 and Singapore on March 30.

Photo gallery:


Business Opportunities in Asia, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge

Keynote address by Anthony Nightingale, Director, Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd and Advisory Board Member, UK-ASEAN Business Council (UKABC).

Hosted by Sir Paul Judge, event features Sir John Boyd; Chairman of Asia House, Hugh Davies; Chairman of the China Association, Martin Garrett; Chief Executive, Cambridge Cleantech, Alan Highet; Cleantech Specialist, UK Trade & Investment and Alan Kell OBE; M.D, Intelligent and Green Systems.

The seminar runs from 14.00 to 17.00, a networking reception follows until 18.30. There will be a VIP dinner at 19.00, a limited number of VIP dinner places are available, to enquire about VIP dinner places click here.

Discussion themes include which ASEAN countries offer the best business opportunities (and in which sectors) and where the growth and future opportunities lay. The role of APEC and the significance of this year's APEC in Bali (over 20 Heads of State, including the Presidents of the USA, China, Russia and Indonesia attend APEC), the ASEAN and view on a) Europe and b) the UK will be discussed, as well as the Chinese influence throughout Asia and what this means for Europe and the UK.

Cambridge Cleantech are launching their Asia Special Interest Group at this event, plans for missions, collaborations and activities in Asia will also be discussed and announced. Cambridge Cleantech are one of the fastest growing cleantech clusters in Europe with over 200 members ranging from multinationals to SMEs see www.cambridgecleantech.org.uk for more info and a list of members.

Supported by UK Trade & Investment, the UK-ASEAN Business Council, Asia House, the China-Britain Business Council, the China Association, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW), the Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC) and Cambridge Cleantech.

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Sir David Brewer CMG

    Sir David Brewer CMG

Cambridge Chinese New Year, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge

Sold out!

The event starts at 14.00 where Sir David Brewer, Chairman of the China-Britain Business Council will deliver a New Year lecture with his views and insight on the UK-China relationship. Sir David will then take questions.

Distinguished guests at the event include Sir John Boyd KCMG, Chairman of Asia House and Chairman of the Trustees of the Needham Research Institute; the NRI is a global centre of study and home of the Science and Civilisation in China Project.

Dr Wei Yang, the newly appointed industry co-Chair of the UK-China Eco Cities and Green Building Group is also confirmed to speak, Wei is a leading expert in this rapidly growing arena has spoken on numerous international stages including the UK Prime Minister’s visit to China and Chinese Vice Premier’s visit to the UK and we’re delighted she’s found time in her busy international schedule to join us.

There will be presentations on the themes of Smart Cities (300 eco cities are being planned in China) and how Cambridge / UK companies of all sizes can work with global companies such as AsiaInfo Linkage and find new business in China. AsiaInfo Linkage are leading provider of software solutions and IT services for telecoms and other industries with 10,000 staff in China and are currently setting up their European HQ in Cambridge which will be the hub of their expansion plans for the UK, Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Steve Newton, Chairman of their International Board will be speaking, he will also include Cyan Technology (a Cambridge smart grid company who are working with AsiaInfo Linkage) in his presentation as an example of realising the potential of UK company by working alongside an established Chinese company.

Martin Garrett, Chief Executive of Cambridge Cleantech and Ash Mishra, CEO of Strategic Asia (Europe) will also be speaking.

After the presentations there will be a panel discussion chaired by Hugh Davies CMG, Chairman of the China Association.

A networking reception follows until 18.30 and at 19.00 there will be a VIP dinner, after dinner Hugh Davies CMG will chair a debate continuing on the themes and topics discussed earlier in the day. The dinner venue is the historic Wordsworth Room at St John’s College, where William Wordsworth lived in the 1780s.

Dress code: Business attire (daytime & dinner).

Supported by UK Trade & Investment, the China-Britain Business Council, the China Association, International Trade Focus, the Cambridge Centre for Languages, MaCam Group Ltd, Cambridge Cleantech, Strategic Asia and Asia House.

Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge

Trinity Hall

Translation Service

Chinese version of your website, business cards, documents or brochures from just £29! Want to reach over 1 billion people? Having a Chinese version of your website will dramatically increase your chances of doing business in China or with Chinese customers around the globe. More info click here



Low Carbon High Growth Eco Cities
Manila November 14-17, Hong Kong November 18, 2011
Manila: Participation at Asian Development Bank’s Urban Forum at ADB’s HQ in Manila (Nov 15-17). 200+ decision makers from around Asia, including government ministers, mayors, civic leaders, business leaders and academics.
Hong Kong - November 18 - the Opportunities and Challenges

Seminar featuring leading international speakers at the British Consulate-General, Supreme Court Rd. Welcome by Andrew Seaton, HM Consul-General, response by Ir Wai Chi-sing JP, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Development Bureau, Govt of HKSAR. Organised in conjunction with the British Consulate in Hong Kong, the Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC) and Asia House this event will include the findings of ADB’s Forum and will continue on the themes and topics discussed at our previous HK event on March 24 such as design, planning, standards, development, construction, environmental technologies, sustainable transport & infrastructure and mega projects. Cathay Pacific are offering great fares for their direct service to Manila with a free stop-over in Hong Kong.

More info click here

Our event supporters:

Cathay Pacific


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